In the last decade, several public stories have hit the headlines, underlining the necessity to rethink our relation to digital technologies and our behavior with regard to privacy. Whether it be Snowden’s revelations, Cambridge Analytica, or Facebook political advertising, all of these narratives seem to turn public opinion towards skepticism and defiance. However, they also seem to dissimulate the more subtle means of coercion existing in the digital realm, both technical and psycho-sociological aspects. In 2018, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who invented what is now known as the World Wide Web, gave an interview in which he admits that “the web has failed instead of served humanity, as it was supposed to have done, and failed in many places”. He had envisioned a system that would provide means of empowerment to its users. He thought, as some still do, that a standardized platform in which people would be able to participate openly in the elaboration of a common interest could provide a radical shift from a centralized capitalist political system. Nonetheless, this has proven to be a failure. By his own admission, the web has become quite the opposite : centralization has brought monopoly to only a handful of services, hiding behind a Utopian vision embodied in personalized services and recommendations. We think that this failure also illustrates the lack of understanding the public has of the implicit technical dogma guiding online services and their technical interdependence. How can we accurately identify coercion and the potential means of re-decentralizing ? We propose to analyze this re-decentralization via these talking points : 1) the psycho-sociological analysis of the relation between one’s opinion and the tools of capitalist coercion, 2) the technical aspects of the dissimulated interdependence of various services, notably privately owned and/or controlled APIs.