Imagining a decolonized rural future: Agro-Commune [Talk]

Broadcast on:
Sep 19, 2020
What is the rural future in the era of postcolonial uprising? How do we dismantle modern industrial capital that extracts labor from disenfranchised black womxn workers? Agro Commune is a para-fictional investigation where architecture is utilized as a lens to expose and respond to current geopolitical labor conditions. It began with the belief that architectural realities rarely start from a tabula rasa state. Rather, existing systems stand as a catalyst for new imaginations through disrupting and reconfiguring the present. The project imagines reparations for postcolonial states through farmland reform and renounces current global industries that thrive on the extraction of labor, capital and lands of others.
In sub-Saharan Africa, foreign corporations are vigorously irrigating vast rural areas for agro-industrial purposes, displacing local smallholders from their land to secure stable supplies for the rest of the western world. Since the global food crisis of 2007-2008, there has been an exponential growth in large-scale land acquisition in Africa. Western, Chinese, and Middle Eastern companies are leading a 21st-century land rush in African farmland where more than a forty million hectares are now under 99-year leases. Greenhouse colonies have become one of many architectural representations of unequal exchanges fostered by global capitalism. This workshop is based on research on the production system of Kenyan floriculture - and uses architectural language as a lens to investigate a speculative rural cooperative system for smallholder farmers.